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Monday, May 28, 2018

New EU policies : privacy etc


To comply with the new EU privacy and cookies laws, which came to effect on 26th of May 2018, I now add to what blogger displayed, additional information and disclaimers.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Songs in 7ish minutes

So, this is a special blog post. Today I celebrate 33 months of blogging, and counting all 5 blogs, this is my 700th entry, and so, after running a poll, I follow my wife's suggestion of a post with songs in the 7 minutes bracket.

As a curiosity, I calculated and found that I posted a medium of 21.212121 posts per month, which will remain the medium until 16:27 GMT today. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Somewhere over the rainbow

On the occasion of LGBT history month, I thought to share this blog post, which I've been composing on and off throughout this month. I present it with the newest and fullest current acronym. 

Despite being an ally, and considering myself NB (Non-Binary), I'm not the most knowledgeable person, and since time is running out, I won't be able to discuss all the includes letters/ types of LGBT persons, so if I concentrate on a topic or two, it's not out of disrespect, but not finding other kinds of songs.

Monday, January 22, 2018

The Idan Raichel Project (1) - International version

I'll get straight into the topic and compare the tracks between 'CD1' which is the original Israeli release version of The Idan Raichel Project, and 'CD2' the international one.

Yehuda Poliker (9) - Eich Korim La'Ahava Sheli ?

Yehuda Poliker's 9th solo album is probably my favorite. It was released in 2001 and contains 10 songs, lasting 45:43.

They are all pop-rock songs, and in Hebrew. 

Poliker mixes personal experience-based lyrics, as well as sociopolitical commentary, and uses many allegories and poetic wordings.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Idan Raichel (part 0)

I'm not even sure where and when I first heard of Idan Raichel and his Project. I only know that at first, I liked just a few of his/their songs and that in time, as I listened more often, I grew to appreciate the talents, and more songs, albeit not all.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

North by Northwest soundtrack

Hitchcock's North by Northwest is one of my favorite Hitch movies. Today I discuss the movie soundtrack. 

It's engaging as a movie-accompaniment, in what I think the best Hitchcock soundtrack that there is. Hermann's music is engaging, full of suspense and actions, of mystery and romance. However, aside the great ouverture, I never listened to the full soundtrack alone, without the movie, as I don't own any of the CD versions, and youtube has only a few pieces. 
I may borrow the cd from our library, or buy the most affordable and complete version that I can get. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

H2O in music

Note : the image is a copyright free one that I found and edited. It depicts a drop of water into which I added a musical note clip-art and is also used as the O in the H2O formula representing a water molecule. 

Water is essential to Life as we know it. Water surrounds us, in rivers, lakes, the oceans. They have inspired many authors of fiction and, for this blog's needs, lyricists. So, I thought to share music in regards to this very topic of water, but expand to allegorical uses as well.